
Programas para customizar o meu entorno de traballo nos meus equipos persoais
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nmount (3619B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env sh
      3 # Description: Toggle mount status of a device using pmount
      4 #              If the device is not mounted, it will be mounted.
      5 #              If the device is mounted, it will be unmounted and powered down.
      6 #
      7 # Dependencies: lsblk, pmount (optional), udisks2
      8 #
      9 # Usage: Runs `lsblk` on 'l', exits on 'Return`.
     10 #
     11 # Notes:
     12 #   - The script uses Linux-specific lsblk to list block devices. Alternatives:
     13 #       macOS: "diskutil list"
     14 #       BSD: "geom disk list"
     15 #   - The script uses udisksctl (from udisks2) to power down devices. This is also Linux-specific.
     16 #     Users on non-Linux platforms can comment it and use an alternative to power-down disks.
     17 #
     18 # Shell: POSIX compliant
     19 # Author: Arun Prakash Jana
     21 prompt="device name [e.g. sdXn] ('l'ist, 'q'uit): "
     23 lsblk
     25 printf "\nEnsure you aren't still in the mounted device.\n"
     26 printf "%s" "$prompt"
     27 read -r dev
     29 while [ -n "$dev" ]; do
     30     if [ "$dev" = "l" ]; then
     31         lsblk
     32     elif [ "$dev" = "q" ]; then
     33         exit
     34     else
     35         # LUKS volumes mounted with udisksctl appear differently than with pmount
     36         if grep -qs "$dev " /proc/mounts || [ -n "$(lsblk -n "/dev/$dev" -o MOUNTPOINT)" ]; then
     37             sync "$(lsblk -n "/dev/$dev" -o MOUNTPOINT | sed "/^$/d")"
     38             if type pumount >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     39                 pumount "/dev/$dev"
     40                 exit_code="$?"
     41             else
     42                 # Unlike pmount, udisksctl does not transparently handle LUKS volumes
     43                 # We need to manually get the unlocked device, unmount it, and then lock the volume
     44                 if lsblk -n "/dev/$dev" -o FSTYPE | grep "crypto_LUKS" >/dev/null; then
     45                     dev_map="$(udisksctl info -b /dev/"$dev" | grep "CleartextDevice" | grep -o "dm_2d[[:digit:]]*" | sed "s/_2d/-/")"
     46                     udisksctl unmount -b "/dev/$dev_map" --no-user-interaction >/dev/null
     47                     exit_code="$?"
     48                     udisksctl lock -b "/dev/$dev" --no-user-interaction >/dev/null
     49                 else
     50                     udisksctl unmount -b "/dev/$dev" --no-user-interaction >/dev/null
     51                     exit_code="$?"
     52                 fi
     53             fi
     54             if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
     55                 echo "/dev/$dev unmounted."
     56                 if udisksctl power-off -b "/dev/$dev" --no-user-interaction; then
     57                     echo "/dev/$dev ejected."
     58                 fi
     59             fi
     60         elif [ -b "/dev/$dev" ]; then
     61             if type pmount >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     62                 pmount "/dev/$dev"
     63                 exit_code="$?"
     64             else
     65                 # Unlike pmount, udisksctl does not transparently handle LUKS volumes
     66                 # We need to manually get the unlocked device and mount that instead of the volume itself
     67                 if [ "$(lsblk "/dev/$dev" -n -o FSTYPE)" = "crypto_LUKS" ]; then
     68                     dev_map=$(udisksctl unlock -b "/dev/$dev" --no-user-interaction | grep -o "dm-[[:digit:]]*")
     69                     udisksctl mount -b "/dev/$dev_map" --no-user-interaction >/dev/null
     70                     exit_code="$?"
     71                 else
     72                     udisksctl mount -b "/dev/$dev" --no-user-interaction >/dev/null
     73                     exit_code="$?"
     74                 fi
     75             fi
     76             if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
     77                 sleep 1
     78                 echo "/dev/$dev mounted to $(lsblk -n "/dev/$dev" -o MOUNTPOINT | sed "/^$/d")."
     79             fi
     80         else
     81             echo "/dev/$dev does not exist or is not a block device."
     82         fi
     83     fi
     85     echo
     86     printf "%s" "$prompt"
     87     read -r dev
     88 done