
Programas para customizar o meu entorno de traballo nos meus equipos persoais
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fzcd (2694B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env sh
      3 # Description: Fuzzy search multiple locations read-in from a path-list file
      4 #              (or $PWD) and open the selected file's dir in a smart context.
      5 # Dependencies: fzf, find (only for multi-location search)
      6 #
      7 # Details: Paths in list file should be newline-separated absolute paths.
      8 #          Paths can be file paths; the script will scan the parent dirs.
      9 #
     10 #          The path-list file precedence is:
     11 #          - "$1" (the hovered file) if it exists, is plain-text and the
     12 #                 first line points to an existing file
     13 #          - "$LIST" if set below
     14 #          - "$2" (the current directory) [mimics plugin fzcd behaviour]
     15 #
     16 #          The path-list file can be generated easily:
     17 #          - pick the (file)paths in picker mode to path-list file
     18 #          - OR, edit selection in nnn and save as path-list file
     19 #
     20 # Shell: POSIX compliant
     21 # Author: Anna Arad, Arun Prakash Jana, KlzXS
     23 IFS="$(printf '\n\r')"
     25 # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
     26 . "$(dirname "$0")"/.nnn-plugin-helper
     28 CTX=+
     29 LIST="${LIST:-""}"
     31 if ! type fzf >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     32     printf "fzf missing"
     33     read -r _
     34     exit 1
     35 fi
     37 if [ -n "$1" ] && [ "$(file -b --mime-type "$1")" = 'text/plain' ] && [ -e "$(head -1 "$1")" ]; then
     38     LIST="$1"
     39 elif ! [ -s "$LIST" ]; then
     40     sel=$(fzf)
     41     # Show only the file and parent dir
     42     # sel=$(fzf --delimiter / --with-nth=-2,-1 --tiebreak=begin --info=hidden)
     44     LIST=''
     45 fi
     47 if [ -n "$LIST" ]; then
     48     if type find >/dev/null 2>&1; then
     49         tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/abc-script.XXXXXX)
     51         while IFS= read -r path; do
     52             if [ -d "$path" ]; then
     53                 printf "%s\n" "$path" >> "$tmpfile"
     54             elif [ -f "$path" ]; then
     55                 printf "%s\n" "$(dirname "$path")" >> "$tmpfile"
     56             fi
     57         done < "$LIST"
     59         sel=$(xargs -d '\n' < "$tmpfile" -I{} find {} -type f -printf "%H//%P\n" | sed '/.*\/\/\(\..*\|.*\/\..*\)/d; s:/\+:/:g' | fzf --delimiter / --tiebreak=begin --info=hidden)
     60         # Alternative for 'fd'
     61         # sel=$(xargs -d '\n' < "$tmpfile" fd . | fzf --delimiter / --tiebreak=begin --info=hidden)
     63         rm "$tmpfile"
     64     else
     65         printf "find missing"
     66         read -r _
     67             exit 1
     68     fi
     69 fi
     71 if [ -n "$sel" ]; then
     72     if [ "$sel" = "." ] || { ! [ -d "$sel" ] && ! [ -f "$sel" ]; }; then
     73         exit 0
     74     fi
     76     # Check if the selected path returned by fzf command is absolute
     77     case $sel in
     78     /*) nnn_cd "$sel" "$CTX" ;;
     79     *)
     80         # Remove "./" prefix if it exists
     81         sel="${sel#./}"
     83         if [ "$PWD" = "/" ]; then
     84             nnn_cd "/$sel" "$CTX"
     85         else
     86             nnn_cd "$PWD/$sel" "$CTX"
     87         fi;;
     88     esac
     89 fi