
Programas para customizar o meu entorno de traballo nos meus equipos persoais
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preview-tui (18396B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env sh
      3 # Description: Terminal based file previewer
      4 #
      5 # Note: This plugin needs a "NNN_FIFO" to work. See man.
      6 #
      7 # Dependencies:
      8 #   - Supports 4 independent methods to preview with:
      9 #       - tmux (>=3.0), or
     10 #       - kitty with allow_remote_control and listen_on set in kitty.conf, or
     11 #       - QuickLook on WSL (
     12 #       - $TERMINAL set to a terminal (it's xterm by default).
     13 #   - less or $PAGER
     14 #   - tree or exa or ls
     15 #   - mediainfo or file
     16 #   - mktemp
     17 #   - unzip
     18 #   - tar
     19 #   - man
     20 #   - optional: bsdtar or atool for additional archive preview
     21 #   - optional: bat for code syntax highlighting
     22 #   - optional: ueberzug, kitty terminal, viu or catimg for images
     23 #   - optional: convert(ImageMagick) for playing gif preview
     24 #   - optional: ffmpegthumbnailer for video thumbnails (
     25 #   - optional: ffmpeg for audio thumbnails
     26 #   - optional: libreoffce for opendocument/officedocument preview
     27 #   - optional: pdftoppm(poppler) for pdf thumbnails
     28 #   - optional: gnome-epub-thumbnailer for epub thumbnails (
     29 #   - optional: fontpreview for font preview (
     30 #   - optional: glow or lowdown for markdown
     31 #   - optional: w3m or lynx or elinks for html
     32 #   - optional: set/export ICONLOOKUP as 1 to enable file icons in front of directory previews with .iconlookup
     33 #       Icons and colors are configureable in .iconlookup
     34 #   - optional: file viewer from ranger.
     35 #       1. drop executable in $PATH
     36 #       2. set/export $USE_SCOPE as 1
     37 #   - optional: pistol file viewer (
     38 #       1. install pistol
     39 #       2. set/export $USE_PISTOL as 1
     40 #
     41 # Usage:
     42 #   You need to set a NNN_FIFO path and a key for the plugin with NNN_PLUG,
     43 #   then start `nnn`:
     44 #
     45 #     $ nnn -a
     46 #
     47 #   or
     48 #
     49 #     $ NNN_FIFO=/tmp/nnn.fifo nnn
     50 #
     51 #   Then launch the `preview-tui` plugin in `nnn`.
     52 #
     53 #   If you provide the same NNN_FIFO to all nnn instances, there will be a
     54 #   single common preview window. If you provide different FIFO path (e.g.
     55 #   with -a), they will be independent.
     56 #
     57 #   The previews will be shown in a tmux split. If that isn't possible, it
     58 #   will try to use a kitty terminal split. And as a final fallback, a
     59 #   different terminal window will be used ($TERMINAL).
     60 #
     61 #   Tmux and kitty users can configure $SPLIT to either "h" or "v" to set a
     62 #   'h'orizontal split or a 'v'ertical split (as in, the line that splits the
     63 #   windows will be horizontal or vertical).
     64 #
     65 #   Kitty users need `allow_remote_control` set to `yes`, and `listen_on` set
     66 #   to e.g. "unix:$TMPDIR/kitty". To customize the window split, `enabled_layouts`
     67 #   has to be set to `all` or `splits` (the former is the default value).
     68 #   This terminal is also able to show images without extra dependencies.
     69 #
     70 #   Iterm2 users are recommended to use viu to view images without getting pixelated.
     71 #
     72 # Shell: POSIX compliant
     73 # Authors: Todd Yamakawa, Léo Villeveygoux, @Recidiviste, Mario Ortiz Manero, Luuk van Baal
     75 #SPLIT="$SPLIT"  # you can set a permanent split here
     76 #TERMINAL="$TERMINAL"  # same goes for the terminal
     77 USE_SCOPE="${USE_SCOPE:-0}"
     78 USE_PISTOL="${USE_PISTOL:-0}"
     80 PAGER="${PAGER:-less -P?n -R}"
     81 TMPDIR="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"
     82 BAT_STYLE="${BAT_STYLE:-numbers}"
     83 BAT_THEME="${BAT_THEME:-ansi}"
     84 # Consider setting NNN_PREVIEWDIR to $XDG_CACHE_HOME/nnn/previews if you want to keep previews on disk between reboots
     85 NNN_PREVIEWDIR="${NNN_PREVIEWDIR:-$TMPDIR/nnn/previews}"
     88 NNN_PARENT="${NNN_FIFO#*.}"
     89 [ "$NNN_PARENT" -eq "$NNN_PARENT" ] 2>/dev/null || NNN_PARENT=""
     90 FIFOPID="$TMPDIR/nnn-preview-tui-fifopid.$NNN_PARENT"
     91 PREVIEWPID="$TMPDIR/nnn-preview-tui-pagerpid.$NNN_PARENT"
     92 CURSEL="$TMPDIR/nnn-preview-tui-selection.$NNN_PARENT"
     93 FIFO_UEBERZUG="$TMPDIR/nnn-preview-tui-ueberzug-fifo.$NNN_PARENT"
     95 start_preview() {
     96     [ "$PAGER" = "most" ] && PAGER="less -R"
     98     if [ -e "${TMUX%%,*}" ] && tmux -V | grep -q '[ -][3456789]\.'; then
     99         TERMINAL=tmux
    100     elif [ -n "$KITTY_LISTEN_ON" ]; then
    101         TERMINAL=kitty
    102     elif [ -z "$TERMINAL" ] && [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "" ]; then
    103         TERMINAL=iterm
    104     else
    105         TERMINAL="${TERMINAL:-xterm}"
    106     fi
    108     if [ -z "$SPLIT" ] && [ $(($(tput lines <"$TTY") * 2)) -gt "$(tput cols <"$TTY")" ]; then
    109         SPLIT='h'
    110     elif [ "$SPLIT" != 'h' ]; then
    111         SPLIT='v'
    112     fi
    114     case "$TERMINAL" in
    115         tmux) # tmux splits are inverted
    116             if [ "$SPLIT" = "v" ]; then DSPLIT="h"; else DSPLIT="v"; fi
    117             tmux split-window -e "NNN_FIFO=$NNN_FIFO" -e "PREVIEW_MODE=1" -e TTY="$TTY" \
    118                 -e "CURSEL=$CURSEL" -e "TMPDIR=$TMPDIR" -e "FIFOPID=$FIFOPID" \
    119                 -e "BAT_STYLE=$BAT_STYLE" -e "BAT_THEME=$BAT_THEME" -e "PREVIEWPID=$PREVIEWPID" \
    121                 -e "USE_SCOPE=$USE_SCOPE" -e "SPLIT=$SPLIT" -e "USE_PISTOL=$USE_PISTOL" \
    123                 -e "FIFO_UEBERZUG=$FIFO_UEBERZUG" -e "QLPATH=$2" -d"$DSPLIT" "$0" "$1" ;;
    124         kitty) # Setting the layout for the new window. It will be restored after the script ends.
    125             kitty @ goto-layout splits
    126             # Trying to use kitty's integrated window management as the split window. All
    127             # environmental variables that will be used in the new window must be explicitly passed.
    128             kitty @ launch --no-response --title "nnn preview" --keep-focus \
    129                 --cwd "$PWD" --env "PATH=$PATH" --env "NNN_FIFO=$NNN_FIFO" \
    130                 --env "PREVIEW_MODE=1" --env "PAGER=$PAGER" --env "TMPDIR=$TMPDIR" \
    131                 --env "USE_SCOPE=$USE_SCOPE" --env "SPLIT=$SPLIT" --env "TERMINAL=$TERMINAL"\
    132                 --env "PREVIEWPID=$PREVIEWPID" --env "FIFO_UEBERZUG=$FIFO_UEBERZUG" \
    135                 --env "USE_PISTOL=$USE_PISTOL" --env "BAT_STYLE=$BAT_STYLE" \
    136                 --env "BAT_THEME=$BAT_THEME" --env "FIFOPID=$FIFOPID" --env TTY="$TTY" \
    137                 --env "CURSEL=$CURSEL" --location "${SPLIT}split" "$0" "$1" ;;
    138         iterm)
    139             command="$SHELL -c 'cd $PWD; \
    140                 PATH=\\\"$PATH\\\" NNN_FIFO=\\\"$NNN_FIFO\\\" PREVIEW_MODE=1 PAGER=\\\"$PAGER\\\" \
    141                 USE_SCOPE=\\\"$USE_SCOPE\\\" SPLIT=\\\"$SPLIT\\\" TERMINAL=\\\"$TERMINAL\\\" \
    142                 PREVIEWPID=\\\"$PREVIEWPID\\\" CURSEL=\\\"$CURSEL\\\" TMPDIR=\\\"$TMPDIR\\\" \
    145                 USE_PISTOL=\\\"$USE_PISTOL\\\" BAT_STYLE=\\\"$BAT_STYLE\\\" TTY=\\\"$TTY\\\" \
    146                 BAT_THEME=\\\"$BAT_THEME\\\" FIFOPID=\\\"$FIFOPID\\\" \\\"$0\\\" \\\"$1\\\"'"
    147             if [ "$SPLIT" = "h" ]; then split="horizontally"; else split="vertically"; fi
    148             osascript <<-EOF
    149             tell application "iTerm"
    150                 tell current session of current window
    151                     split $split with default profile command "$command"
    152                 end tell
    153             end tell
    154 EOF
    155             ;;
    156         *)  if [ -n "$2" ]; then
    157                 QUICKLOOK=1 QLPATH="$2" PREVIEW_MODE=1 "$0" "$1" &
    158             else
    160                      FIFOPID="$FIFOPID" FIFO_UEBERZUG="$FIFO_UEBERZUG" $TERMINAL -e "$0" "$1" &
    161             fi ;;
    162     esac
    163 } >/dev/null 2>&1
    165 toggle_preview() {
    166     if exists QuickLook.exe; then
    167         QLPATH="QuickLook.exe"
    168     elif exists Bridge.exe; then
    169         QLPATH="Bridge.exe"
    170     fi
    171     if kill "$(cat "$FIFOPID")"; then
    172         [ -p "$NNN_PPIPE" ] && printf "0" > "$NNN_PPIPE"
    173         kill "$(cat "$PREVIEWPID")"
    174         pkill -f "tail --follow $FIFO_UEBERZUG"
    175         if [ -n "$QLPATH" ] && stat "$1"; then
    176             f="$(wslpath -w "$1")" && "$QLPATH" "$f" &
    177         fi
    178     else
    179         [ -p "$NNN_PPIPE" ] && printf "1" > "$NNN_PPIPE"
    180         start_preview "$1" "$QLPATH"
    181     fi
    182 } >/dev/null 2>&1
    184 exists() {
    185     type "$1" >/dev/null
    186 }
    188 fifo_pager() {
    189     cmd="$1"
    190     shift
    192     # We use a FIFO to access $PAGER PID in jobs control
    193     tmpfifopath="$TMPDIR/nnn-preview-tui-fifo.$$"
    194     mkfifo "$tmpfifopath" || return
    196     $PAGER < "$tmpfifopath" &
    197     printf "%s" "$!" > "$PREVIEWPID"
    199     (
    200         exec > "$tmpfifopath"
    201         if [ "$cmd" = "pager" ]; then
    202             if exists bat; then
    203                 bat --terminal-width="$(tput cols <"$TTY")" --decorations=always --color=always \
    204                     --paging=never --style="$BAT_STYLE" --theme="$BAT_THEME" "$@" &
    205             else
    206                 $PAGER "$@" &
    207             fi
    208         else
    209             "$cmd" "$@" &
    210         fi
    211     )
    213     rm "$tmpfifopath"
    214 } 2>/dev/null
    216 # Binary file: show file info inside the pager
    217 print_bin_info() {
    218     printf -- "-------- \033[1;31mBinary file\033[0m --------\n"
    219     if exists mediainfo; then
    220         mediainfo "$1"
    221     else
    222         file -b "$1"
    223     fi
    224 } 2>/dev/null
    226 handle_mime() {
    227     case "$2" in
    228         image/jpeg) image_preview "$cols" "$lines" "$1" ;;
    229         image/gif) generate_preview "$cols" "$lines" "$1" "gif" ;;
    230         image/*) generate_preview "$cols" "$lines" "$1" "image" ;;
    231         video/*) generate_preview "$cols" "$lines" "$1" "video" ;;
    232         audio/*) generate_preview "$cols" "$lines" "$1" "audio" ;;
    233         application/font*|application/*opentype|font/*) generate_preview "$cols" "$lines" "$1" "font" ;;
    234         */*office*|*/*document*) generate_preview "$cols" "$lines" "$1" "office" ;;
    235         application/zip) fifo_pager unzip -l "$1" ;;
    236         text/troff)
    237             if exists man; then
    238                 fifo_pager man -Pcat -l "$1"
    239             else
    240                 fifo_pager pager "$1"
    241             fi ;;
    242         *) handle_ext "$1" "$3" "$4" ;;
    243     esac
    244 }
    246 handle_ext() {
    247     case "$2" in
    248         epub) generate_preview "$cols" "$lines" "$1" "epub" ;;
    249         pdf) generate_preview "$cols" "$lines" "$1" "pdf" ;;
    250         gz|bz2) fifo_pager tar -tvf "$1" ;;
    251         md) if exists glow; then
    252                 fifo_pager glow -s dark "$1"
    253             elif exists lowdown; then
    254                 fifo_pager lowdown -Tterm "$1"
    255             else
    256                 fifo_pager pager "$1"
    257             fi ;;
    258         htm|html|xhtml)
    259             if exists w3m; then
    260                 fifo_pager w3m "$1"
    261             elif exists lynx; then
    262                 fifo_pager lynx "$1"
    263             elif exists elinks; then
    264                 fifo_pager elinks "$1"
    265             else
    266                 fifo_pager pager "$1"
    267             fi ;;
    268         7z|a|ace|alz|arc|arj|bz|cab|cpio|deb|jar|lha|lz|lzh|lzma|lzo\
    269         |rar|rpm|rz|t7z|tar|tbz|tbz2|tgz|tlz|txz|tZ|tzo|war|xpi|xz|Z)
    270             if exists atool; then
    271                 fifo_pager atool -l "$1"
    272             elif exists bsdtar; then
    273                 fifo_pager bsdtar -tvf "$1"
    274             fi ;;
    275         *) if [ "$3" = "bin" ]; then
    276                fifo_pager print_bin_info "$1"
    277            else
    278                fifo_pager pager "$1"
    279            fi ;;
    280     esac
    281 }
    283 preview_file() {
    284     clear
    285     # Trying to use pistol if it's available.
    286     if [ "$USE_PISTOL" -ne 0 ] && exists pistol; then
    287         fifo_pager pistol "$1"
    288         return
    289     fi
    291     # Trying to use if it's available.
    292     if [ "$USE_SCOPE" -ne 0 ] && exists; then
    293         fifo_pager "$1" "$cols" "$lines" "$(mktemp -d)" "True"
    294         return
    295     fi
    297     # Use QuickLook if it's available.
    298     if [ -n "$QUICKLOOK" ]; then
    299         stat "$1" && f="$(wslpath -w "$1")" && "$QLPATH" "$f" &
    300         return
    301     fi
    303     # Detecting the exact type of the file: the encoding, mime type, and extension in lowercase.
    304     encoding="$(file -bL --mime-encoding -- "$1")"
    305     mimetype="$(file -bL --mime-type -- "$1")"
    306     ext="${1##*.}"
    307     [ -n "$ext" ] && ext="$(printf "%s" "${ext}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
    308     lines=$(tput lines <"$TTY")
    309     cols=$(tput cols <"$TTY")
    311     # Otherwise, falling back to the defaults.
    312     if [ -d "$1" ]; then
    313         cd "$1" || return
    314         if [ "$ICONLOOKUP" -ne 0 ] && [ -f "$(dirname "$0")"/.iconlookup ]; then
    315             [ "$SPLIT" = v ] && BSTR="\n"
    316             # shellcheck disable=SC2012
    317             ls -F --group-directories-first | head -n "$((lines - 3))" | "$(dirname "$0")"/.iconlookup -l "$cols" -B "$BSTR" -b " "
    318         elif exists tree; then
    319             fifo_pager tree --filelimit "$(find . -maxdepth 1 | wc -l)" -L 3 -C -F --dirsfirst --noreport
    320         elif exists exa; then
    321             exa -G --group-directories-first --colour=always
    322         else
    323             fifo_pager ls -F --group-directories-first --color=always
    324         fi
    325     elif [ "${encoding#*)}" = "binary" ]; then
    326         handle_mime "$1" "$mimetype" "$ext" "bin"
    327     else
    328         handle_mime "$1" "$mimetype" "$ext"
    329     fi
    330 } 2>/dev/null
    332 generate_preview() {
    333   if [ -n "$QLPATH" ] && stat "$3"; then
    334         f="$(wslpath -w "$3")" && "$QLPATH" "$f" &
    335   elif [ ! -f "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg" ] || [ -n "$(find -L "$3" -newer "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg")" ]; then
    336         mkdir -p "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/${3%/*}"
    337         case $4 in
    338             audio) ffmpeg -i "$3" -filter_complex "scale=iw*min(1\,min($NNN_PREVIEWWIDTH/iw\,ih)):-1" "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg" -y ;;
    339             epub) gnome-epub-thumbnailer "$3" "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg" ;;
    340             font) fontpreview -i "$3" -o "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg" ;;
    341             gif) if [ -p "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" ] && exists convert; then
    342                     if [ ! -d "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3" ]; then
    343                         mkdir -p "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3"
    344                         convert -coalesce -resize "$NNN_PREVIEWWIDTH"x"$NNN_PREVIEWHEIGHT"\> "$3" "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3/${3##*/}.jpg"
    345                     fi
    346                         while true; do
    347                             for frame in $(find "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3"/*.jpg | sort -V); do
    348                                 image_preview "$1" "$2" "$frame"
    349                                 sleep 0.1
    350                             done
    351                         done &
    352                         printf "%s" "$!" > "$PREVIEWPID"
    353                         return
    354                  else
    355                     exec >/dev/tty
    356                     image_preview "$1" "$2" "$3"
    357                     return
    358                  fi ;;
    359             image) if exists convert; then
    360                        convert "$3" -flatten -resize "$NNN_PREVIEWWIDTH"x"$NNN_PREVIEWHEIGHT"\> "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg"
    361                    else
    362                        image_preview "$1" "$2" "$3" && return
    363                    fi ;;
    364             office) libreoffice --convert-to jpg "$3" --outdir "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/${3%/*}"
    365                     filename="$(printf "%s" "${3##*/}" | cut -d. -f1)"
    366                     mv "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/${3%/*}/$filename.jpg" "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg" ;;
    367             pdf) pdftoppm -jpeg -f 1 -singlefile "$3" "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3" ;;
    368             video) ffmpegthumbnailer -s0 -i "$3" -o "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg" || rm "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg" ;;
    369         esac
    370     fi >/dev/null
    371     if [ -f "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg" ]; then
    372         image_preview "$1" "$2" "$NNN_PREVIEWDIR/$3.jpg"
    373     else
    374         fifo_pager print_bin_info "$3"
    375     fi
    376 } 2>/dev/null
    378 image_preview() {
    379     clear
    380     if [ "$TERMINAL" = "kitty" ]; then
    381         # Kitty terminal users can use the native image preview method
    382         kitty +kitten icat --silent --place "$1"x"$2"@0x0 --transfer-mode=stream --stdin=no "$3" &
    383     elif exists ueberzug; then
    384         ueberzug_layer "$1" "$2" "$3" && return
    385     elif exists catimg; then
    386         catimg "$3" &
    387     elif exists viu; then
    388         viu -t "$3" &
    389     #elif exists sxiv; then
    390     #    sxiv "$3"
    391     else
    392         fifo_pager print_bin_info "$3" && return
    393     fi
    394     printf "%s" "$!" > "$PREVIEWPID"
    395 } 2>/dev/null
    397 ueberzug_layer() {
    398     printf '{"action": "add", "identifier": "nnn_ueberzug", "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": "%d", "height": "%d", "scaler": "fit_contain", "path": "%s"}\n' "$1" "$2" "$3" > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
    399 }
    401 ueberzug_remove() {
    402     printf '{"action": "remove", "identifier": "nnn_ueberzug"}\n' > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
    403 }
    405 winch_handler() {
    406     clear
    407     kill "$(cat "$PREVIEWPID")"
    408     if [ -p "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" ]; then
    409         pkill -f "tail --follow $FIFO_UEBERZUG"
    410         tail --follow "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" | ueberzug layer --silent --parser json &
    411     fi
    412     preview_file "$(cat "$CURSEL")"
    413 } 2>/dev/null
    415 preview_fifo() {
    416     while read -r selection; do
    417         if [ -n "$selection" ]; then
    418             kill "$(cat "$PREVIEWPID")"
    419             [ -p "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" ] && ueberzug_remove
    420             [ "$selection" = "close" ] && sleep 0.15 && pkill -P "$$" && exit
    421             preview_file "$selection"
    422             printf "%s" "$selection" > "$CURSEL"
    423         fi
    424     done < "$NNN_FIFO"
    425     sleep 0.1 # make sure potential preview by winch_handler is killed
    426     pkill -P "$$"
    427 } 2>/dev/null
    429 if [ "$PREVIEW_MODE" ]; then
    430     if [ "$TERMINAL" != "kitty" ] && exists ueberzug; then
    431         mkfifo "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
    432         tail --follow "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" | ueberzug layer --silent --parser json &
    433     fi
    435     preview_file "$PWD/$1"
    436     preview_fifo &
    437     printf "%s" "$!" > "$FIFOPID"
    438     printf "%s" "$PWD/$1" > "$CURSEL"
    439     trap 'winch_handler; wait' WINCH
    440     trap 'rm "$PREVIEWPID" "$CURSEL" "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" "$FIFOPID" 2>/dev/null' INT HUP EXIT
    441     wait "$!" 2>/dev/null
    442 else
    443     if [ ! -r "$NNN_FIFO" ]; then
    444         clear
    445         printf "No FIFO available! (\$NNN_FIFO='%s')\nPlease read Usage in preview-tui." "$NNN_FIFO"
    446         cfg=$(stty -g); stty raw -echo; head -c 1; stty "$cfg"
    447     elif [ "$KITTY_WINDOW_ID" ] && [ -z "$TMUX" ] && [ -z "$KITTY_LISTEN_ON" ]; then
    448         clear
    449         printf "\$KITTY_LISTEN_ON not set!\nPlease read Usage in preview-tui."
    450         cfg=$(stty -g); stty raw -echo; head -c 1; stty "$cfg"
    451     else
    452         TTY="$(tty)"
    453         TTY="$TTY" toggle_preview "$1" &
    454     fi
    455 fi