
Programas para customizar o meu entorno de traballo nos meus equipos persoais
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      1 # -*- mode: sh; mode: sh-bash -*-
      3 ## @fn ble/debug/setdbg
      4 function ble/debug/setdbg {
      5   ble/bin/rm -f "$_ble_base_run/dbgerr"
      6   local ret
      7   ble/util/readlink /proc/self/fd/3 3>&1
      8   ln -s "$ret" "$_ble_base_run/dbgerr"
      9 }
     10 ## @fn ble/debug/print text
     11 function ble/debug/print {
     12   if [[ -e $_ble_base_run/dbgerr ]]; then
     13     ble/util/print "$1" >> "$_ble_base_run/dbgerr"
     14   else
     15     ble/util/print "$1" >&2
     16   fi
     17 }
     18 ## @fn ble/debug/leakvar#check
     19 ##   [デバグ用] 宣言忘れに依るグローバル変数の汚染位置を特定するための関数。
     20 ##
     21 ##   使い方
     22 ##
     23 ##   ```
     24 ##   eval "${_ble_debug_check_leak_variable//@var/ret}"
     25 ##   ...codes1...
     26 ##   ble/debug/leakvar#check ret tag1
     27 ##   ...codes2...
     28 ##   ble/debug/leakvar#check ret tag2
     29 ##   ...codes3...
     30 ##   ble/debug/leakvar#check ret tag3
     31 ##   ```
     32 _ble_debug_check_leak_variable='local @var=__t1wJltaP9nmow__'
     33 function ble/debug/leakvar#reset {
     34   builtin eval "$1=__t1wJltaP9nmow__"
     35 }
     36 function ble/debug/leakvar#check {
     37   local ext=$?
     38   if [[ ${!1} != __t1wJltaP9nmow__ ]] && ble/variable#is-global "$1"; then
     39     local IFS=$_ble_term_IFS
     40     ble/util/print "$1=${!1}:${*:2} [${FUNCNAME[*]:1:5}]" >> ~/a.txt # DEBUG_LEAKVAR
     41     builtin eval "$1=__t1wJltaP9nmow__"
     42   fi
     43   return "$?"
     44 }
     45 function ble/debug/leakvar#list {
     46   local _ble_local_exclude_file=${_ble_base_repository:-$_ble_base}/make/debug.leakvar.exclude-list.txt
     47   if [[ ! -f $_ble_local_exclude_file ]]; then
     48     ble/util/print "$_ble_local_exclude_file: not found." >&2
     49     return 1
     50   fi
     51   set | ble/bin/grep -Eavf "$_ble_local_exclude_file" | ble/bin/grep -Eao '^[[:alnum:]_]+='
     52   return 0
     53 }
     55 function ble/debug/print-variables/.append {
     56   local q=\' Q="'\''"
     57   _ble_local_out=$_ble_local_out"$1='${2//$q/$Q}'"
     58 }
     59 function ble/debug/print-variables/.append-array {
     60   local ret; ble/string#quote-words "${@:2}"
     61   _ble_local_out=$_ble_local_out"$1=($ret)"
     62 }
     63 function ble/debug/print-variables {
     64   (($#)) || return 0
     66   local flags= tag= arg
     67   local -a _ble_local_vars=()
     68   while (($#)); do
     69     arg=$1; shift
     70     case $arg in
     71     (-t) tag=$1; shift ;;
     72     (-*) ble/util/print "print-variables: unknown option '$arg'" >&2
     73          flags=${flags}e ;;
     74     (*) ble/array#push _ble_local_vars "$arg" ;;
     75     esac
     76   done
     77   [[ $flags == *e* ]] && return 1
     79   local _ble_local_out= _ble_local_var=
     80   [[ $tag ]] && _ble_local_out="$tag: "
     81   ble/util/unlocal flags tag arg
     82   for _ble_local_var in "${_ble_local_vars[@]}"; do
     83     if ble/is-array "$_ble_local_var"; then
     84       builtin eval -- "ble/debug/print-variables/.append-array \"\$_ble_local_var\" \"\${$_ble_local_var[@]}\""
     85     else
     86       ble/debug/print-variables/.append "$_ble_local_var" "${!_ble_local_var}"
     87     fi
     88     _ble_local_out=$_ble_local_out' '
     89   done
     90   ble/debug/print "${_ble_local_out%' '}"
     91 }
     93 _ble_debug_stopwatch=()
     94 function ble/debug/stopwatch/start {
     95   ble/array#push _ble_debug_stopwatch "${EPOCHREALTIME:-$SECONDS.000000}"
     96 }
     97 function ble/debug/stopwatch/stop {
     98   local end=${EPOCHREALTIME:-$SECONDS.000000}
     99   if local ret; ble/array#pop _ble_debug_stopwatch; then
    100     local usec=$(((${end%%[.,]*}-${ret%%[,.]*})*1000000+(10#0${end#*[.,]}-10#0${ret#*[,.]})))
    101     printf '[%3d.%06d sec] %s\n' "$((usec/1000000))" "$((usec%1000000))" "$1"
    102   else
    103     printf '[---.------ sec] %s\n' "$1"
    104   fi
    105 }
    107 _ble_debug_profiler_magic=__GdWfuwABAUmlg__
    108 _ble_debug_profiler_prefix=
    109 _ble_debug_profiler_original_xtrace=
    110 _ble_debug_profiler_original_xtrace_ps4=
    111 function ble/debug/profiler/start {
    112   [[ ! $_ble_debug_profiler_prefix ]] || return 1
    113   if ((_ble_bash<50000)); then
    114     ble/util/print " profiler is only supported in Bash 5.0+." >&2
    115     return 2
    116   fi
    118   local prefix=${1:-prof.$$}
    119   [[ $prefix == /* ]] || prefix=$PWD/$prefix
    120   _ble_debug_profiler_prefix=$prefix
    122   _ble_debug_profiler_original_xtrace=$bleopt_debug_xtrace
    123   _ble_debug_profiler_original_xtrace_ps4=$bleopt_debug_xtrace_ps4
    124   bleopt debug_xtrace="$prefix.xtrace"
    125   bleopt debug_xtrace_ps4='+${#BASH_LINENO[@]} ${BASHPID:-$$} ${EPOCHREALTIME:-SECONDS} ${FUNCNAME:-(global)} ${LINENO:--} ${BASH_SOURCE:--} '"$_ble_debug_profiler_magic"' '
    127   blehook EXIT!=ble/debug/profiler/stop
    128 }
    130 function ble/debug/profiler/stop {
    131   [[ $_ble_debug_profiler_prefix ]] || return 1
    132   local prefix=$_ble_debug_profiler_prefix
    133   _ble_debug_profiler_prefix=
    134   bleopt debug_xtrace="$_ble_debug_profiler_original_xtrace"
    135   bleopt debug_xtrace_ps4="$_ble_debug_profiler_original_xtrace_ps4"
    137   local f1=$prefix.xtrace
    138   local f2=$prefix.line.txt
    139   local f3=$prefix.line.html
    140   local f4=$prefix.func.txt
    142   # count lines
    143   local nline
    144   ble/util/print "ble/debug/profiler: counting lines..."
    145   ble/util/assign-words nline 'ble/bin/wc -l "$f1" 2>/dev/null'
    146   ble/util/print $'\e[A\rble/debug/profiler: counting lines... '"$nline"
    148   # awk
    149   local -a awk_args=()
    150   [[ -s $f2 ]] && ble/array#push awk_args mode=line_stat "$f2"
    151   [[ -s $f4 ]] && ble/array#push awk_args mode=func_stat "$f4"
    152   ble/array#push awk_args mode=xtrace "$f1"
    153   local -x file_func=$f4.part
    154   local -x file_line=$f2.part
    155   local -x file_line_html= #$f3 # currently .html output is disabled
    156   ble/bin/awk -v magic="$_ble_debug_profiler_magic" -v nline="$nline" '
    157     BEGIN {
    158       file_func = ENVIRON["file_func"];
    159       file_line = ENVIRON["file_line"];
    160       file_line_html = ENVIRON["file_line_html"];
    162       xtrace_debug_enabled = 1;
    163       print "ble/debug/profiler: collecting information..." >"/dev/stderr";
    164       if (nline) progress_interval = int(nline / 100);
    166       ipid = 0;
    167       ilabel = 0;
    168       ifname = 0;
    169       _usec_sec0 = "";
    170     }
    172     function to_percentage(value) {
    173       value *= 100;
    174       if (value >= 100) return sprintf("%d%%", int(value));
    175       if (value >= 10) return sprintf("%.2f%%", value);
    176       if (value >= 0.1) return sprintf("%.3f%%", value);
    177       if (value >= 0.0001) return sprintf(".%04d%%", int(value * 10000));
    178       return "0.0%";
    179     }
    181     function pids_register(pid) {
    182       if (pid_mark[pid] == "") {
    183         pid_mark[pid] = ipid;
    184         pids[ipid++] = pid;
    185       }
    186     }
    188     function pids_clear() {
    189       ipid = 0;
    190       delete pids;
    191       delete pid_mark;
    192     }
    194     function parse_usec(text, _, sec, usec) {
    195       sec = text;
    196       usec = 0;
    197       if (sub(/[.,].*/, "", sec)) {
    198         usec = text
    199         sub(/^.*[.,]0*/, "", usec);
    200       }
    202       if (_usec_sec0 == "")
    203         _usec_sec0 = sec;
    204       sec -= _usec_sec0;
    205       return sec * 1000000 + usec;
    206     }
    208     ## @var[out] level depth pid usec fname label command
    209     function parse_line(_, s) {
    210       s = $1;
    211       level = gsub(/\+/, "", s);
    212       depth = 1 + (s > 0 ? s : 0);
    213       level += depth - 1;
    214       pid = $2;
    215       usec = parse_usec($3);
    217       fname = $4;
    218       lineno = $5;
    219       source = $6;
    220       for (i = 7; $i != magic && i <= NF; i++)
    221         source = source " " $i;
    222       label = sprintf("\x1b[35m%s\x1b[36m (%s:\x1b[32m%s\x1b[36m):\x1b[m", source, fname, lineno);
    223       command = "";
    224       if ($i == magic) {
    225         command = $(++i);
    226         for (i++; i <= NF; i++)
    227           command = command " " $i;
    228       }
    229     }
    231     #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
    232     # line_stat
    234     function lines_level_push(pid, level, usec, label, command, _, lv) {
    235       if (!line_stat[label, "count"]++)
    236         labels[ilabel++] = label;
    238       lines_level_pop(pid, level, usec);
    240       # debug
    241       #for (lv = ilevel[pid] + 1; lv < level; lv++)
    242       #  if (stk[pid, lv, "label"] != "")
    243       #    print "unexpected label[" lv "] = (" stk[pid, lv, "label"] ") ilevel=" ilevel[pid] "->" level >"/dev/stderr";
    245       stk[pid, level, "label"] = label;
    246       stk[pid, level, "begin"] = usec;
    247       stk[pid, level, "child"] = 0.0;
    248       stk[pid, level, "allstep_count"] = 0;
    249       stk[pid, level, "substep_count"] = 0;
    250       stk[pid, level, "substep_time"] = 0.0;
    251       stk[pid, level, "command"] = command;
    252       ilevel[pid] = level;
    253     }
    255     function lines_level_getParent(pid, lv) {
    256       for (lv--; lv >= 1; lv--)
    257         if (stk[pid, lv, "label"] != "") break;
    258       return lv;
    259     }
    261     function lines_level_pop(pid, level, usec, _, lv, label, elapsed, plv) {
    262       for (lv = ilevel[pid]; lv >= level; lv--) {
    263         label = stk[pid, lv, "label"];
    264         stk[pid, lv, "label"] = "";
    265         if (label == "") continue;
    267         elapsed = usec - stk[pid, lv, "begin"];
    268         if (elapsed < 0) {
    269           #print "[debug] negative time: " NR ": " $0 >"/dev/stderr";
    270           elapsed = 0.0;
    271         }
    273         line_stat[label, "total"] += elapsed;
    274         line_stat[label, "child"] += stk[pid, lv, "child"];
    275         if (lv >= 3)
    276           stk[pid, lv - 2, "child"] += elapsed;
    278         line_stat[label, "allstep_count"] += stk[pid, lv, "allstep_count"];
    279         line_stat[label, "substep_count"] += stk[pid, lv, "substep_count"];
    280         line_stat[label, "substep_time"] += stk[pid, lv, "substep_time"];
    281         if ((plv = lines_level_getParent(pid, lv))) {
    282           stk[pid, plv, "allstep_count"] += 1 + stk[pid, lv, "allstep_count"];
    283           stk[pid, plv, "substep_count"]++;
    284           stk[pid, plv, "substep_time"] += elapsed;
    285         }
    287         max_time = line_stat[label, "max_time"];
    288         if (max_time == "" || elapsed > max_time) {
    289           line_stat[label, "max_command"] = stk[pid, lv, "command"];
    290           line_stat[label, "max_time"] = elapsed;
    291           line_stat[label, "max_child"] = stk[pid, lv, "child"];
    292         }
    293       }
    294       ilevel[pid] = lv;
    295     }
    297     function lines_text_header(_, line) {
    298       line = sprintf("# %6s %8s %8s", "count", "subcount", "allcount");
    299       line = line sprintf(" %10s %-6s %10s %-6s %10s", "total_msec", "TOTAL%", "self_msec", "SELF%", "child_msec");
    300       line = line sprintf(" %10s %10s %10s", "max_msec", "max_self", "max_child");
    301       printf("%s %s%s\n", line, "\x1b[35mSOURCE\x1b[36m (FUNCNAME):\x1b[32mLINENO\x1b[36m:\x1b[m", "COMMAND") > file_line;
    302     }
    304     function lines_text_print(info, _, line) {
    305       line = sprintf("%8d %8d %8d", info["count"], info["substep_count"], info["allstep_count"]);
    306       line = line sprintf(" %10.3f %-6s %10.3f %-6s %10.3f", info["total_time"], info["total_time_percentage"], info["total_self"], info["total_self_percentage"], info["total_child"]);
    307       line = line sprintf(" %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f", info["max_time"], info["max_self"], info["max_child"]);
    308       printf("%s %s%s\n", line, info["label"], info["command"]) > file_line;
    309     }
    311     function lines_html_header(_, line) {
    312       line = sprintf("<!DOCTYPE html>\n");
    313       line = line sprintf("<title> xtrace profiling result</title>\n");
    314       line = line sprintf("<style>table,td,th{border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid black}td{max-width:40em;}</style>\n");
    315       line = line sprintf("<table>\n");
    316       line = line sprintf("<tr>\n");
    317       line = line sprintf("  <th rowspan=2>count</th>\n");
    318       line = line sprintf("  <th rowspan=2>substep</th>\n");
    319       line = line sprintf("  <th rowspan=2>allstep</th>\n");
    320       line = line sprintf("  <th colspan=3>total (msec)</th>\n");
    321       line = line sprintf("  <th colspan=3>average (msec)</th>\n");
    322       line = line sprintf("  <th colspan=3>max (msec)</th>\n");
    323       line = line sprintf("  <th rowspan=2>command</th>\n", max_cmd);
    324       line = line sprintf("  <th rowspan=2>location</th>\n", label);
    325       line = line sprintf("</tr>\n");
    326       line = line sprintf("<tr>\n");
    327       line = line sprintf("  <th>sum</th>\n");
    328       line = line sprintf("  <th>self</th>\n");
    329       line = line sprintf("  <th>child</th>\n");
    330       line = line sprintf("  <th>sum</th>\n");
    331       line = line sprintf("  <th>self</th>\n");
    332       line = line sprintf("  <th>child</th>\n");
    333       line = line sprintf("  <th>sum</th>\n");
    334       line = line sprintf("  <th>self</th>\n");
    335       line = line sprintf("  <th>child</th>\n");
    336       line = line sprintf("</tr>\n");
    337       printf("%s", line) > file_line_html;
    338     }
    340     function lines_html_escape(str) {
    341       gsub(/&/, "\\&amp;", str);
    342       gsub(/</, "\\&lt;", str);
    343       gsub(/>/, "\\&gt;", str);
    344       return str;
    345     }
    347     function lines_html_print(info, _, line) {
    348       line = sprintf("<tr>\n");
    349       line = line sprintf("  <td>%d</td>\n", info["count"]);
    350       line = line sprintf("  <td>%d</td>\n", info["substep_count"]);
    351       line = line sprintf("  <td>%d</td>\n", info["allstep_count"]);
    352       line = line sprintf("  <td>%.3f</td>\n", info["total_time"]);
    353       line = line sprintf("  <td>%.3f</td>\n", info["total_self"]);
    354       line = line sprintf("  <td>%.3f</td>\n", info["total_child"]);
    355       line = line sprintf("  <td>%.3f</td>\n", info["average_time"]);
    356       line = line sprintf("  <td>%.3f</td>\n", info["average_self"]);
    357       line = line sprintf("  <td>%.3f</td>\n", info["average_child"])
    358       line = line sprintf("  <td>%.3f</td>\n", info["max_time"]);
    359       line = line sprintf("  <td>%.3f</td>\n", info["max_self"]);
    360       line = line sprintf("  <td>%.3f</td>\n", info["max_child"]);
    361       line = line sprintf("  <td>%s</td>\n", lines_html_escape(info["command"]));
    362       line = line sprintf("  <td>%s</td>\n", lines_html_escape(info["label"]));
    363       line = line sprintf("</tr>\n");
    364       printf("%s", line) > file_line_html;
    365     }
    367     function lines_html_footer() {
    368       printf("</table>\n") > file_line_html;
    369     }
    371     function lines_save(_, i, label, count, info, total_time) {
    372       lines_text_header();
    373       if (file_line_html) lines_html_header();
    375       total_time = 0.0;
    376       for (i = 0; i < ilabel; i++) {
    377         label = labels[i];
    378         total_time += line_stat[label, "total"] - line_stat[label, "child"];
    379       }
    380       total_time *= 0.001;
    382       for (i = 0; i < ilabel; i++) {
    383         label = labels[i];
    384         count = line_stat[label, "count"];
    386         info["count"] = count;
    387         info["allstep_count"] = line_stat[label, "allstep_count"];
    388         info["substep_count"] = line_stat[label, "substep_count"];
    389         info["substep_time"] = line_stat[label, "substep_time"] * 0.001;
    391         info["total_time"] = line_stat[label, "total"] * 0.001;
    392         info["total_child"] = line_stat[label, "child"] * 0.001;
    393         info["total_self"] = info["total_time"] - info["total_child"];
    394         info["total_time_percentage"] = to_percentage(info["total_time"] / total_time);
    395         info["total_self_percentage"] = to_percentage(info["total_self"] / total_time);
    396         info["average_time"] = info["total_time"] / count;
    397         info["average_self"] = info["total_self"] / count;
    398         info["average_child"] = info["total_child"] / count
    399         info["max_time"] = line_stat[label, "max_time"] * 0.001;
    400         info["max_child"] = line_stat[label, "max_child"] * 0.001;
    401         info["max_self"] = info["max_time"] - info["max_child"];
    403         info["label"] = label;
    404         info["command"] = line_stat[label, "max_command"];
    406         lines_text_print(info);
    407         if (file_line_html) lines_html_print(info);
    408       }
    410       if (file_line_html) lines_html_footer();
    411     }
    413     function lines_load_line(_, i, s, label, old_max_time, new_max_time) {
    414       s = substr($0, index($0, "\x1b[35m"));
    415       i = index(s, "\x1b[m");
    416       label = substr(s, 1, i + 2);
    417       if (!line_stat[label, "count"])
    418         labels[ilabel++] = label;
    420       line_stat[label, "count"] += $1;
    421       line_stat[label, "substep_count"] += $2;
    422       line_stat[label, "allstep_count"] += $3;
    423       line_stat[label, "substep_time"] += 0.0; # not saved
    424       line_stat[label, "total"] += int($4 * 1000 + 0.5);
    425       line_stat[label, "child"] += int($8 * 1000 + 0.5);
    427       old_max_time = line_stat[label, "max_time"];
    428       new_max_time = int($9 * 1000 + 0.5);
    429       if (old_max_time == "" || new_max_time > old_max_time) {
    430         line_stat[label, "max_command"] = substr(s, i + 3);
    431         line_stat[label, "max_time"] = new_max_time;
    432         line_stat[label, "max_child"] = int($11 * 1000 + 0.5);
    433       }
    434     }
    436     #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
    437     # func_stat
    439     function funcs_depth_push(pid, depth, usec, fname, source, _, old_depth) {
    440       if (!func_stat[fname, "mark"]++)
    441         fnames[ifname++] = fname;
    443       # old_depth = idepth[pid];
    444       if (funcs_depth_pop(pid, depth, usec)) {
    445         func_stk[pid, depth, "fname"] = fname;
    446         func_stk[pid, depth, "begin"] = usec;
    447         # if (depth > old_depth && proc[pid, "time"])
    448         #   func_stk[pid, depth, "begin"] = proc[pid, "time"];
    449         func_stk[pid, depth, "child"] = 0.0;
    450         func_stk[pid, depth, "allcall_count"] = 0;
    451         func_stk[pid, depth, "subcall_count"] = 0;
    452         func_stk[pid, depth, "source"] = source;
    453         idepth[pid] = depth;
    454       }
    455     }
    457     function funcs_depth_getParent(pid, dep) {
    458       for (dep--; dep >= 1; dep--)
    459         if (func_stk[pid, dep, "fname"] != "") break;
    460       return dep;
    461     }
    463     function funcs_depth_pop(pid, depth, usec, fname, _, dp, label, elapsed, pdp) {
    464       for (dp = idepth[pid]; dp >= depth; dp--) {
    465         if (dp == depth && fname == func_stk[pid, dp, "fname"]) {
    466           idepth[pid] = dp;
    467           return 0; # 前の関数の続き
    468         }
    470         fname = func_stk[pid, dp, "fname"];
    471         func_stk[pid, dp, "fname"] = "";
    472         if (fname == "") continue;
    474         elapsed = usec - func_stk[pid, dp, "begin"];
    475         if (elapsed < 0) elapsed = 0.0;
    477         func_stat[fname, "count"]++;
    478         func_stat[fname, "total"] += elapsed;
    479         func_stat[fname, "child"] += func_stk[pid, dp, "child"];
    480         func_stat[fname, "allcall_count"] += func_stk[pid, dp, "allcall_count"];
    481         func_stat[fname, "subcall_count"] += func_stk[pid, dp, "subcall_count"];
    482         if ((pdp = funcs_depth_getParent(pid, dp))) {
    483           func_stk[pid, pdp, "child"] += elapsed;
    484           func_stk[pid, pdp, "allcall_count"] += 1 + func_stk[pid, dp, "allcall_count"];
    485           func_stk[pid, pdp, "subcall_count"]++;
    486         }
    488         func_stat[fname, "source"] = func_stk[pid, dp, "source"]; # always overwrite
    489         max_time = func_stat[fname, "max_time"];
    490         if (max_time == "" || elapsed > max_time) {
    491           func_stat[fname, "max_time"] = elapsed;
    492           func_stat[fname, "max_child"] = func_stk[pid, dp, "child"];
    493         }
    494       }
    495       idepth[pid] = dp;
    496       return 1;
    497     }
    499     function funcs_text_header(_, line) {
    500       line = sprintf("# %6s %8s %8s", "count", "subcall", "allcall");
    501       line = line sprintf(" %10s %-6s %10s %-6s %10s", "total_msec", "TOTAL%", "self_msec", "SELF%", "child_msec");
    502       line = line sprintf(" %10s %10s %10s", "max_msec", "max_self", "max_child");
    503       printf("%s %s (\x1b[35m%s\x1b[m)\n", line, "FUNCNAME", "SOURCE") > file_func;
    504     }
    506     function funcs_text_print(info, _, line) {
    507       line = sprintf("%8d %8d %8d", info["count"], info["subcall_count"], info["allcall_count"]);
    508       line = line sprintf(" %10.3f %-6s %10.3f %-6s %10.3f", info["total_time"], info["total_time_percentage"], info["total_self"], info["total_self_percentage"], info["total_child"]);
    509       line = line sprintf(" %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f", info["max_time"], info["max_self"], info["max_child"]);
    510       printf("%s %s (\x1b[35m%s\x1b[m)\n", line, info["fname"], info["source"]) > file_func;
    511     }
    513     function funcs_save(_, i, fname, count, info, total_time) {
    514       funcs_text_header();
    516       total_time = 0.0;
    517       for (i = 0; i < ifname; i++) {
    518         fname = fnames[i];
    519         total_time += func_stat[fname, "total"] - func_stat[fname, "child"];
    520       }
    521       total_time *= 0.001;
    523       for (i = 0; i < ifname; i++) {
    524         fname = fnames[i];
    525         count = func_stat[fname, "count"];
    527         info["count"] = count;
    528         info["allcall_count"] = func_stat[fname, "allcall_count"];
    529         info["subcall_count"] = func_stat[fname, "subcall_count"];
    531         info["total_time"] = func_stat[fname, "total"] * 0.001;
    532         info["total_child"] = func_stat[fname, "child"] * 0.001;
    533         info["total_self"] = info["total_time"] - info["total_child"];
    534         info["total_time_percentage"] = to_percentage(info["total_time"] / total_time);
    535         info["total_self_percentage"] = to_percentage(info["total_self"] / total_time);
    536         info["average_time"] = info["total_time"] / count;
    537         info["average_self"] = info["total_self"] / count;
    538         info["average_child"] = info["total_child"] / count
    539         info["max_time"] = func_stat[fname, "max_time"] * 0.001;
    540         info["max_child"] = func_stat[fname, "max_child"] * 0.001;
    541         info["max_self"] = info["max_time"] - info["max_child"];
    543         info["fname"] = fname;
    544         info["source"] = func_stat[fname, "source"];
    546         funcs_text_print(info);
    547       }
    548     }
    550     function funcs_load_line(_, fname, i, s, old_max_time, new_max_time) {
    551       fname = $12;
    552       if (!func_stat[fname, "mark"]) {
    553         fnames[ifname++] = fname;
    554         func_stat[fname, "mark"]++;
    555       }
    557       # extract source
    558       i = index($0, "\x1b[35m");
    559       if (i > 0) {
    560         s = substr($0, i + 5);
    561         i = index(s, "\x1b[m");
    562         func_stat[fname, "source"] = substr(s, 1, i - 1);
    563       }
    565       func_stat[fname, "count"] += $1;
    566       func_stat[fname, "subcall_count"] += $2;
    567       func_stat[fname, "allcall_count"] += $3;
    568       func_stat[fname, "total"] += int($4 * 1000 + 0.5);
    569       func_stat[fname, "child"] += int($8 * 1000 + 0.5);
    571       old_max_time = func_stat[fname, "max_time"];
    572       new_max_time = int($9 * 1000 + 0.5);
    573       if (old_max_time == "" || new_max_time > old_max_time) {
    574         func_stat[fname, "max_time"] = new_max_time;
    575         func_stat[fname, "max_child"] = int($11 * 1000 + 0.5);
    576       }
    577     }
    579     #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
    581     function flush_stack(_, i) {
    582       for (i = 0; i < ipid; i++) {
    583         lines_level_pop(pids[i], 1, proc[pids[i], "time"]);
    584         funcs_depth_pop(pids[i], 1, proc[pids[i], "time"]);
    585       }
    586       pids_clear();
    587     }
    589     mode == "line_stat" { if ($0 ~ /^['"$_ble_term_space"']*[^#'"$_ble_term_space"']/) lines_load_line(); next; }
    590     mode == "func_stat" { if ($0 ~ /^['"$_ble_term_space"']*[^#'"$_ble_term_space"']/) funcs_load_line(); next; }
    592     progress_interval && ++iline % progress_interval == 0 {
    593       print "\x1b[A\rble/debug/profiler: collecting information... " int((iline * 100) / nline) "%" >"/dev/stderr";
    594     }
    596     /^\+/ && index($0, magic) {
    597       if (!xtrace_debug_enabled) next;
    599       parse_line();
    600       if (fname == "(global)") {
    601         # flush on user input
    602         if (command ~ /^ble-decode\/.hook [0-9]+$/) flush_stack();
    604         label = command;
    605         sub(/^['"$_ble_term_space"']+|['"$_ble_term_space"'].*/, "", label);
    606         label = sprintf("\x1b[35m%s\x1b[36m:\x1b[32m%s\x1b[36m (%s):\x1b[m", source, lineno, label);
    607       }
    609       # register "pid" and "label" to the lists
    610       pids_register(pid);
    611       lines_level_push(pid, level, usec, label, command);
    612       funcs_depth_push(pid, depth, usec, fname, source);
    613       proc[pid, "time"] = usec;
    614       next;
    615     }
    617     /^---- \[.*\] ble\/base\/xtrace\/restore/ {
    618       flush_stack();
    619       xtrace_debug_enabled = 0;
    620     }
    621     /^---- \[.*\] ble\/base\/xtrace\/adjust/ {
    622       xtrace_debug_enabled = 1;
    623     }
    625     END {
    626       flush_stack();
    627       print "ble/debug/profiler: writing result..." >"/dev/stderr";
    628       lines_save();
    629       funcs_save();
    630     }
    631   ' "${awk_args[@]}" &&
    632     {
    633       LANG=C ble/bin/grep '^#' "$f2.part"
    634       LANG=C ble/bin/grep -v '^#' "$f2.part" | ble/bin/sort -nrk4
    635     } >| "$f2" &&
    636     {
    637       LANG=C ble/bin/grep '^#' "$f4.part"
    638       LANG=C ble/bin/grep -v '^#' "$f4.part" | ble/bin/sort -nrk4
    639     } >| "$f4" &&
    640     ble/bin/rm -f "$f1" "$f2.part" "$f4.part"
    641 }