
Programas para customizar o meu entorno de traballo nos meus equipos persoais
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      1 [ Languages: **English** | [日本語]( (Japanese) ]
      3 <h1 align="center"><ruby><rp> (</rp><rt>/blɛʃ/</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> ―Bash Line Editor―</h1>
      4 <p align="center">
      5 [ <b>README</b> | <a href="">Manual</a> |
      6 <a href="">Q&A</a> |
      7 <a href=""><code>contrib</code></a> |
      8 <a href="">Recipes</a> ]
      9 </p>
     11 *Bash Line Editor* (``) is a command line editor written in pure Bash which replaces the default GNU Readline.
     13 Current devel version is 0.4.
     14 This script supports Bash 3.0 or higher although we recommend to use `` with release versions of **Bash 4.0 or higher**.
     15 Currently, only `UTF-8` encoding is supported for non-ASCII characters.
     16 This script is provided under the [**BSD License**]( (3-clause BSD license).
     18 Disclaimer: The core part of the line editor is written in **pure Bash**, but
     19 `` relies on POSIX `stty` to set up TTY states before and after the execution of user commands.
     20 It also uses other POSIX utilities for acceleration
     21 in some part of initialization and cleanup code,
     22 processing of large data in completions, paste of large data, etc.
     24 Pronunciation: The easiest pronunciation of `` that users use is /blɛʃ/, but you can actually pronounce it as you like.
     25 I do not specify the canonical way of pronoucing ``.
     26 In fact, I personally call it simply /biːɛliː/ or verbosely read it as /biːɛliː dɑt ɛseɪtʃ/ in my head.
     28 ## Quick instructions
     30 To use ``, Bash 3.0+ and POSIX standard utilities are required.
     31 <!-- In macOS, you might additionally need to install `gawk`, `nawk`, or `mawk` since macOS `/usr/bin/awk` (awk-32 and later) seems to have a problem with some multibyte charsets. -->
     32 There are two ways to get ``: to download and build `` using `git`, or to download the nightly build using `curl` or `wget`.
     33 For the detailed descriptions, see [Sec 1.1](#get-from-source) and [Sec 1.2](#get-from-tarball) for trial/installation,
     34 and [Sec 1.3](#set-up-bashrc) for the setup of your `~/.bashrc`.
     36 <details open><summary><b>Download and generate <code></code> using <code>git</code></b></summary>
     38 This requires the commands `git`, `make` (GNU make), and `gawk` (GNU awk).
     39 In the following, please replace `make` with `gmake` if your system provides GNU make as `gmake` (such as in BSD).
     41 ```bash
     42 # TRIAL without installation
     44 git clone --recursive --depth 1 --shallow-submodules
     45 make -C
     46 source
     48 # Quick INSTALL to BASHRC (If this doesn't work, please follow Sec 1.3)
     50 git clone --recursive --depth 1 --shallow-submodules
     51 make -C install PREFIX=~/.local
     52 echo 'source ~/.local/share/blesh/' >> ~/.bashrc
     53 ```
     55 The build process integrates multiple Bash script files into a single Bash script `` with pre-processing,
     56 place other module files in appropriate places, and strip code comments for shorter initialization time.
     58 Note: This does not involve any C/C++/Fortran compilations and generating binaries, so C/C++/Fortran compilers are not needed.
     59 Some people seem to bilindly believe that one always need to use `make` with C/C++/Fortran compilers to generate binaries.
     60 They complain about ``'s make process, but it comes from the lack of knowledge on the general principle of `make`.
     61 You may find C/C++ programs in the repository, but they are used to update the Unicode character table from the Unicode database when a new Unicode standard appears.
     62 The generated table is included in the repository:
     63 [``](,
     64 [``](,
     65 [``](,
     66 and [``](,
     67 so there is no need to run these C/C++ programs in the build process.
     68 Another C file is used as an adapter in a old system MSYS1,
     69 which is used with an old compiler toolchain in Windows, but it will never be used in Unix-like systems.
     70 Each file used in the build process is explained in [`make/`](make/
     71 </details>
     73 <details><summary><b>Download the nightly build with <code>curl</code></b></summary>
     75 This requires the commands `curl`, `tar` (with the support for the `J` flag), and `xz` (XZ Utils).
     77 ```bash
     78 # TRIAL without installation
     80 curl -L | tar xJf -
     81 source ble-nightly/
     83 # Quick INSTALL to BASHRC (If this doesn't work, please follow Sec 1.3)
     85 curl -L | tar xJf -
     86 mkdir -p ~/.local/share/blesh
     87 cp -Rf ble-nightly/* ~/.local/share/blesh/
     88 rm -rf ble-nightly
     89 echo 'source ~/.local/share/blesh/' >> ~/.bashrc
     90 ```
     91 </details>
     93 <details><summary><b>Download the nightly build with <code>wget</code></b></summary>
     95 This requires the commands `wget`, `tar` (with the support for the `J` flag), and `xz` (XZ Utils).
     97 ```bash
     98 # TRIAL without installation
    100 wget -O - | tar xJf -
    101 source ble-nightly/
    103 # Quick INSTALL to BASHRC (If this doesn't work, please follow Sec 1.3)
    105 wget -O - | tar xJf -
    106 mkdir -p ~/.local/share/blesh
    107 cp -Rf ble-nightly/* ~/.local/share/blesh/
    108 rm -rf ble-nightly
    109 echo 'source ~/.local/share/blesh/' >> ~/.bashrc
    110 ```
    111 </details>
    113 <details open><summary><b>Install a package using a package manager</b> (currently only a few packages)</summary>
    115 This only requires the corresponding package manager.
    117 - [AUR (Arch Linux)]( `blesh-git` (devel), `blesh` (stable 0.3.4)
    118 - [NixOS (nixpkgs)]( `blesh` (devel)
    119 - [Guix]( `blesh` (devel)
    120 </details>
    122 <details open><summary><b>Update an existing copy of <code></code></b></summary>
    124 ```bash
    125 # UPDATE (in a session)
    127 ble-update
    129 # UPDATE (outside sessions)
    131 bash /path/to/ --update
    132 ```
    133 </details>
    135 <details><summary><b>Create a package of <code></code></b></summary>
    137 Since `` is just a set of shell scripts and do not contain any binary (i.e., "`noarch`"), 
    138 you may just download the pre-built tarball from release pages and put the extracted contents in e.g. `/tmp/blesh-package/usr/local`.
    139 Nevertheless, if you need to build the package from the source, please use the following commands.
    140 Note that the git repository (`.git`) is required for the build.
    142 ```bash
    143 # BUILD & PACKAGE (for package maintainers)
    145 git clone --recursive
    146 make -C install DESTDIR=/tmp/blesh-package PREFIX=/usr/local
    147 ```
    149 When you would like to tell `` the way to update the package for `ble-update`,
    150 you can place `_package.bash` at `${prefix}/share/blesh/lib/_package.bash`.
    151 The file `_package.bash` is supposed to define a shell variable and a shell function
    152 as illustrated in the following example (please replace `XXX` with the package management system):
    154 ```bash
    155 # ${prefix}/share/blesh/lib/_package.bash
    157 _ble_base_package_type=XXX
    159 function ble/base/package:XXX/update {
    160   update-the-package-in-a-proper-way
    161   return 0
    162 }
    163 ```
    165 When the shell function returns exit status 0, it means that the update has been successfully done, and the reload of `` will be automatically happen.
    166 When the shell function returns exit status 6, the timestamp of `` is checked, and the reload of `` only happens when `` is actually update.
    167 When the shell function returns exit status 125, the default `` update procedure is attempted.
    168 Otherwise, the updating procedure is canceled, where any message explaining situation should be output by the shell function.
    169 An example `_package.bash` for `AUR` can be found [here](
    170 </details>
    172 ## Features
    174 - **Syntax highlighting**: Highlight command lines input by users as in `fish` and `zsh-syntax-highlighting`.
    175   Unlike the simple highlighting in `zsh-syntax-highlighting`, `` performs syntactic analysis
    176   to enable the correct highlighting of complex structures such as nested command substitutions, multiple here documents, etc.
    177   Highlighting colors and styles are [fully configurable](
    178 - **Enhanced completion**:
    179   Extend [completion](
    180   by **syntax-aware completion**, completion with quotes and parameter expansions in prefix texts, **ambiguous candidate generation**, etc.
    181   Also, [**menu-complete**](
    182   supports selection of candidates in menu (candidate list) by cursor keys, <kbd>TAB</kbd> and <kbd>S-TAB</kbd>.
    183   The feature [**auto-complete**](
    184   supports the automatic suggestion of completed texts as in `fish` and `zsh-autosuggestions` (with Bash 4.0+).
    185   The feature [**menu-filter**](
    186   integrates automatic filtering of candidates into menu completion (with Bash 4.0+).
    187   There are other functionalities such as
    188   [**dabbrev**]( and
    189   [**sabbrev**]( like
    190   [*zsh abbreviations*]( or [`zsh-abbr`](
    191 - **Vim editing mode**: Enhance `readline`'s vi editing mode available with `set -o vi`.
    192   Vim editing mode supports various vim modes such as char/line/block visual/select mode, replace mode,
    193   command mode, operator pending mode as well as insert mode and normal mode.
    194   Vim editing mode supports various operators, text objects, registers, keyboard macros, marks, etc.
    195   It also provides `vim-surround` as an option.
    196 - Other interesting features include
    197   [**status line**](,
    198   [**history share**](,
    199   [**right prompt**](,
    200   [**transient prompt**](,
    201   [**xterm title**](, etc.
    203 Note: does not provide specific settings of the prompt, aliases, functions, etc.
    204 provides a more fundamental infrastructure so that users can set up their own prompt, aliases, functions, etc.
    205 Of course can be used in combination with other Bash configurations such as [`bash-it`]( and [`oh-my-bash`](
    207 > Demo (version 0.2)
    208 >
    209 > ![ demo gif](
    211 ## History and roadmap
    213 My little experiment has took place in one corner of my `bashrc` in the end of May, 2013 after I enjoyed some article on `zsh-syntax-highlighting`.
    214 I initially thought something can be achieved by writing a few hundred of lines of codes
    215 but soon realized that everything needs to be re-implemented for the authentic support of syntax highlighting in Bash.
    216 I decided to make it as an independent script ``.
    217 The name stemmed from that of Zsh's line editor, *ZLE* (*Zsh Line Editor*), but suffixed with `.sh` for the implication of being written in shell script.
    218 I'm occasinally asked about the pronunciation of ``, but you can actually pronounce it as you like.
    219 After the two-week experiment, I was satisfied with my conclusion that it is *possible* to implement a full-featured line editor in Bash that satisfies the actual daily uses.
    220 The real efforts of improving the prototype implementation for the real uses was started in Feburuary, 2015.
    221 I released the initial version in the next December. Until then, the basic part of the line editor was completed.
    222 The implementation of vim mode has been started in September, 2017 and completed in the next March.
    223 I started working on the enhancement of the completion in August, 2018 and released it in the next February.
    225 - 2013-06 v0.0 -- prototype
    226 - 2015-12 v0.1 -- Syntax highlighting [[v0.1.15](]
    227 - 2018-03 v0.2 -- Vim mode [[v0.2.7](]
    228 - 2019-02 v0.3 -- Enhanced completion [[v0.3.4](]
    229 - 20xx-xx v0.4 (plan) -- programmable highlighting [[nightly build](]
    230 - 20xx-xx v0.5 (plan) -- TUI configuration
    231 - 20xx-xx v0.6 (plan) -- error diagnostics?
    233 ## Limitations
    235 There are some limitations due to the way `` is implemented.
    236 Also some user configurations or other Bash frameworks may conflict with
    237 For example,
    239 - `` does not set `PIPESTATUS` for the previous command line by default because it adds extra execution costs.
    240   Instead, the array `BLE_PIPESTATUS` contains the values of `PIPESTATUS` of the previous command line.
    241   If you need to access the values directly through the variable `PIPESTATUS`, please use the option `bleopt exec_restore_pipestatus=1`.
    242 - `` assumes that common variable names and environment variables (such as `LC_*`) are not used for the global readonly variables.
    243   In Bash, global readonly variables take effect in any scope including the local scope of the function, which means that we cannot even define a local variable that have the same name as a global readonly variable.
    244   This is not the problem specific to ``, but any Bash framework may suffer from the global readonly variables.
    245   It is generally not recommended to define global readonly variables in Bash except for the security reasoning
    246   (Refs. [[1]](, [[2]](, [[3]](,%20or%20an%20%22integer%22%20flag,%20but%20these%20are%20mostly%20useless,%20and%20serious%20scripts%20shouldn%27t%20be%20using%20them%29#Variables)).
    247   Also, `` overrides the builtin `readonly` with a shell function to prevent it from making global variables readonly.
    248   It allows only uppercase global variables and `_*` to become readonly except `_ble_*`, `__ble_*`, and some special uppercase variables.
    249 - `` overrides Bash's built-in commands (`trap`, `readonly`, `bind`, `history`, `read`, and `exit`) with shell functions to adjust the behavior of each built-in command and prevent them from interfering with ``.
    250   If the user or another framework directly calls the original builtins through `builtin BUILTIN`, or if the user or another framework replaces the shell functions, the behavior is undefined.
    252 # 1 Usage
    254 ## 1.1 Try `` generated from source (version ble-0.4 devel)<sup><a id="get-from-source" href="#get-from-source">†</a></sup>
    256 ### Generate
    258 To generate ``, `gawk` (GNU awk) and `gmake` (GNU make) (in addition to Bash and POSIX standard utilities) is required.
    259 The file `` can be generated using the following commands.
    260 If you have GNU make installed on `gmake`, please use `gmake` instead of `make`.
    261 ```bash
    262 git clone --recursive
    263 cd
    264 make
    265 ```
    267 A script file `` will be generated in the directory ``.
    269 ### Try
    271 Then, you can load `` in the Bash session using the `source` command:
    272 ```bash
    273 source out/
    274 ```
    276 ### Install
    278 To install `` in a specified directory, use `make install`.
    280 ```bash
    281 # INSTALL to ~/.local/share/blesh
    282 make install
    284 # INSTALL to a specified directory
    285 make install INSDIR=/path/to/blesh
    287 # PACKAGE (for package maintainers)
    288 make install DESTDIR=/tmp/blesh-package PREFIX=/usr/local
    289 ```
    291 If either the make variables `DESTDIR` or `PREFIX` is supplied, `` will be copied to `$DESTDIR/$PREFIX/share/blesh`.
    292 Otherwise, if the make variables `INSDIR` is specified, it will be installed directly on `$INSDIR`.
    293 Otherwise, if the environment variable `$XDG_DATA_HOME` is defined, the install location will be `$XDG_DATA_HOME/blesh`.
    294 If none of these variables are specified, the default install location is `~/.local/share/blesh`.
    296 The comment lines and blank lines in the script files are stripped in the installation process.
    297 If you would like to keep these lines in the script files, please specify the argument `strip_comment=no` to `make`.
    299 To set up `.bashrc` see [Sec. 1.3](#set-up-bashrc).
    301 ## 1.2 Or, use a tar ball of `` obtained from GitHub releases<sup><a id="get-from-tarball" href="#get-from-tarball">†</a></sup>
    303 For download, trial and install, see the description at each release page.
    304 The stable versions are significantly old compared to the devel version, so many features are unavailable.
    306 - Devel [v0.4.0-devel3]( (2020-12), [nightly build](
    307 - Stable [v0.3.4]( (2019-02 fork) Enhanced completions
    308 - Stable [v0.2.7]( (2018-03 fork) Vim mode
    309 - Stable [v0.1.15]( (2015-12 fork) Syntax highlighting
    311 ## 1.3 Set up `.bashrc`<sup><a id="set-up-bashrc" href="#set-up-bashrc">†</a></sup>
    313 If you want to load `` in interactive sessions of `bash` by default, usually one can just source `` in `~/.bashrc`,
    314 but more reliable way is to add the following codes to your `.bashrc` file:
    316 ```bash
    317 # bashrc
    319 # Add this lines at the top of .bashrc:
    320 [[ $- == *i* ]] && source /path/to/blesh/ --noattach
    322 # your bashrc settings come here...
    324 # Add this line at the end of .bashrc:
    325 [[ ${BLE_VERSION-} ]] && ble-attach
    326 ```
    328 Basically, when `source /path/to/` and `ble-attach` are performed,
    329 standard streams (`stdin`, `stdout`, and `stderr`) should not be redirected but should be connected to the controlling TTY of the current session.
    330 Also, please avoid calling `source /path/to/` in shell functions.
    331 The detailed conditions that we need the above *more reliable setup* are explained in [an answer in Discussion #254](
    333 ## 1.4 User settings `~/.blerc`
    335 User settings can be placed in the init script `~/.blerc` (or `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/blesh/` if `~/.blerc` is not available)
    336 whose template is available as the file [`blerc.template`]( in the repository.
    337 The init script is a Bash script which will be sourced during the load of ``, so any shell commands can be used in `~/.blerc`.
    338 If you want to change the default path of the init script, you can add the option `--rcfile INITFILE` to `source` as the following example:
    340 ```bash
    341 # in bashrc
    343 # Example 1: ~/.blerc will be used by default
    344 [[ $- == *i* ]] && source /path/to/blesh/ --noattach
    346 # Example 2: /path/to/your/blerc will be used
    347 [[ $- == *i* ]] && source /path/to/blesh/ --noattach --rcfile /path/to/your/blerc
    348 ```
    350 ## 1.5 Update
    352 You need Git (`git`), GNU awk (`gawk`) and GNU make (`make`).
    353 For `ble-0.3+`, you can run `ble-update` in the session with `` loaded:
    355 ```bash
    356 $ ble-update
    357 ```
    359 For `ble.0.4+`, you can also update it outside the `` session using
    361 ```bash
    362 $ bash /path/to/ --update
    363 ```
    365 You can instead download the latest version by `git pull` and install it:
    367 ```bash
    368 cd   # <-- enter the git repository you already have
    369 git pull
    370 git submodule update --recursive --remote
    371 make
    372 make INSDIR="$HOME/.local/share/blesh" install
    373 ```
    375 ## 1.6 Uninstall
    377 Basically you can simply delete the installed directory and the settings that the user added.
    379 - Close all the `` sessions (the Bash interactive sessions with ``)
    380 - Remove the added lines in `.bashrc`.
    381 - Remove `blerc` files (`~/.blerc` or `~/.config/blesh/`) if any.
    382 - Remove the installed directory.
    383 - Remove the cache directory `~/.cache/blesh` if any.
    384 - Remove the state directory `~/.local/state/blesh` if any.
    385 - Remove the temporary directory `/tmp/blesh` if any [ Only needed when your system does not automatically clears `/tmp` ].
    387 # 2 Basic settings
    389 Here, some of the settings for `~/.blerc` are picked up.
    390 You can find useful settings also in [Q\&A](,
    391 [Recipes](
    392 and [`contrib` repository](
    393 The complete list of setting items can be found in the file [`blerc.template`](
    394 For detailed explanations please refer to [Manual](
    396 ## 2.1 Vim mode
    398 For the vi/vim mode, check [the wiki page](
    400 ## 2.2 Disable features
    402 One of frequently asked questions is the way to disable a specific feature that `` adds.
    403 Here the settings for disabling features are summarized.
    405 ```bash
    406 # Disable syntax highlighting
    407 bleopt highlight_syntax=
    409 # Disable highlighting based on filenames
    410 bleopt highlight_filename=
    412 # Disable highlighting based on variable types
    413 bleopt highlight_variable=
    415 # Disable auto-complete (Note: auto-complete is enabled by default in bash-4.0+)
    416 bleopt complete_auto_complete=
    417 # Tip: you may instead specify the delay of auto-complete in millisecond
    418 bleopt complete_auto_delay=300
    420 # Disable auto-complete based on the command history
    421 bleopt complete_auto_history=
    423 # Disable ambiguous completion
    424 bleopt complete_ambiguous=
    426 # Disable menu-complete by TAB
    427 bleopt complete_menu_complete=
    429 # Disable menu filtering (Note: auto-complete is enabled by default in bash-4.0+)
    430 bleopt complete_menu_filter=
    432 # Disable EOF marker like "[ble: EOF]"
    433 bleopt prompt_eol_mark=''
    434 # Tip: you may instead specify another string:
    435 bleopt prompt_eol_mark='⏎'
    437 # Disable error exit marker like "[ble: exit %d]"
    438 bleopt exec_errexit_mark=
    439 # Tip: you may instead specify another string:
    440 bleopt exec_errexit_mark=$'\e[91m[error %d]\e[m'
    442 # Disable elapsed-time marker like "[ble: elapsed 1.203s (CPU 0.4%)]"
    443 bleopt exec_elapsed_mark=
    444 # Tip: you may instead specify another string
    445 bleopt exec_elapsed_mark=$'\e[94m[%ss (%s %%)]\e[m'
    446 # Tip: you may instead change the threshold of showing the mark
    447 bleopt exec_elapsed_enabled='sys+usr>=10*60*1000' # e.g. ten minutes for total CPU usage
    448 ```
    450 ## 2.3 CJK Width
    452 The option `char_width_mode` controls the width of the Unicode characters with `East_Asian_Width=A` (Ambiguous characters).
    453 Currently four values `emacs`, `west`, `east`, and `auto` are supported. With the value `emacs`, the default width in emacs is used.
    454 With `west` all the ambiguous characters have width 1 (Hankaku). With `east` all the ambiguous characters have width 2 (Zenkaku).
    455 With `auto` the width mode `west` or `east` is automatically chosen based on the terminal behavior.
    456 The default value is `auto`. Appropriate value should be chosen in accordance with your terminal behavior.
    457 For example, the value can be changed to `west` as:
    459 ```bash
    460 bleopt char_width_mode='west'
    461 ```
    463 ## 2.4 Input Encoding
    465 The option `input_encoding` controls the encoding scheme used in the decode of input. Currently `UTF-8` and `C` are available. With the value `C`, byte values are directly interpreted as character codes. The default value is `UTF-8`. For example, the value can be changed to `C` as:
    467 ```bash
    468 bleopt input_encoding='C'
    469 ```
    471 ## 2.5 Bell
    473 The options `edit_abell` and `edit_vbell` control the behavior of the edit function `bell`. If `edit_abell` is a non-empty string, audible bell is enabled, i.e. ASCII Control Character `BEL` (0x07) will be written to `stderr`. If `edit_vbell` is a non-empty string, visual bell is enabled. By default, the audible bell is enabled while the visual bell is disabled.
    475 The option `vbell_default_message` specifies the message shown as the visual bell. The default value is `' Wuff, -- Wuff!! '`. The option `vbell_duration` specifies the display duration of the visual-bell message. The unit is millisecond. The default value is `2000`.
    477 For example, the visual bell can be enabled as:
    478 ```
    479 bleopt edit_vbell=1 vbell_default_message=' BEL ' vbell_duration=3000
    480 ```
    482 For another instance, the audible bell is disabled as:
    483 ```
    484 bleopt edit_abell=
    485 ```
    487 ## 2.6 Highlight Colors
    489 The colors and attributes used in the syntax highlighting are controlled by `ble-face` function. The following code reproduces the default configuration:
    490 ```bash
    491 # highlighting related to editing
    492 ble-face -s region                    bg=60,fg=white
    493 ble-face -s region_target             bg=153,fg=black
    494 ble-face -s region_match              bg=55,fg=white
    495 ble-face -s region_insert             fg=12,bg=252
    496 ble-face -s disabled                  fg=242
    497 ble-face -s overwrite_mode            fg=black,bg=51
    498 ble-face -s auto_complete             fg=238,bg=254
    499 ble-face -s menu_filter_fixed         bold
    500 ble-face -s menu_filter_input         fg=16,bg=229
    501 ble-face -s vbell                     reverse
    502 ble-face -s vbell_erase               bg=252
    503 ble-face -s vbell_flash               fg=green,reverse
    504 ble-face -s prompt_status_line        fg=231,bg=240
    506 # syntax highlighting
    507 ble-face -s syntax_default            none
    508 ble-face -s syntax_command            fg=brown
    509 ble-face -s syntax_quoted             fg=green
    510 ble-face -s syntax_quotation          fg=green,bold
    511 ble-face -s syntax_escape             fg=magenta
    512 ble-face -s syntax_expr               fg=26
    513 ble-face -s syntax_error              bg=203,fg=231
    514 ble-face -s syntax_varname            fg=202
    515 ble-face -s syntax_delimiter          bold
    516 ble-face -s syntax_param_expansion    fg=purple
    517 ble-face -s syntax_history_expansion  bg=94,fg=231
    518 ble-face -s syntax_function_name      fg=92,bold
    519 ble-face -s syntax_comment            fg=242
    520 ble-face -s syntax_glob               fg=198,bold
    521 ble-face -s syntax_brace              fg=37,bold
    522 ble-face -s syntax_tilde              fg=navy,bold
    523 ble-face -s syntax_document           fg=94
    524 ble-face -s syntax_document_begin     fg=94,bold
    525 ble-face -s command_builtin_dot       fg=red,bold
    526 ble-face -s command_builtin           fg=red
    527 ble-face -s command_alias             fg=teal
    528 ble-face -s command_function          fg=92
    529 ble-face -s command_file              fg=green
    530 ble-face -s command_keyword           fg=blue
    531 ble-face -s command_jobs              fg=red
    532 ble-face -s command_directory         fg=26,underline
    533 ble-face -s filename_directory        underline,fg=26
    534 ble-face -s filename_directory_sticky underline,fg=white,bg=26
    535 ble-face -s filename_link             underline,fg=teal
    536 ble-face -s filename_orphan           underline,fg=teal,bg=224
    537 ble-face -s filename_executable       underline,fg=green
    538 ble-face -s filename_setuid           underline,fg=black,bg=220
    539 ble-face -s filename_setgid           underline,fg=black,bg=191
    540 ble-face -s filename_other            underline
    541 ble-face -s filename_socket           underline,fg=cyan,bg=black
    542 ble-face -s filename_pipe             underline,fg=lime,bg=black
    543 ble-face -s filename_character        underline,fg=white,bg=black
    544 ble-face -s filename_block            underline,fg=yellow,bg=black
    545 ble-face -s filename_warning          underline,fg=red
    546 ble-face -s filename_url              underline,fg=blue
    547 ble-face -s filename_ls_colors        underline
    548 ble-face -s varname_array             fg=orange,bold
    549 ble-face -s varname_empty             fg=31
    550 ble-face -s varname_export            fg=200,bold
    551 ble-face -s varname_expr              fg=92,bold
    552 ble-face -s varname_hash              fg=70,bold
    553 ble-face -s varname_number            fg=64
    554 ble-face -s varname_readonly          fg=200
    555 ble-face -s varname_transform         fg=29,bold
    556 ble-face -s varname_unset             fg=124
    557 ble-face -s argument_option           fg=teal
    558 ble-face -s argument_error            fg=black,bg=225
    560 ```
    562 The current list of faces can be obtained by the following command (`ble-face` without arguments):
    563 ```console
    564 $ ble-face
    565 ```
    567 The color codes can be checked in output of the function `ble-color-show` (defined in ``):
    568 ```console
    569 $ ble-color-show
    570 ```
    572 ## 2.7 Key Bindings
    574 Key bindings can be controlled with the shell function, `ble-bind`.
    575 For example, with the following setting, "Hello, world!" will be inserted on typing <kbd>C-x h</kbd>
    576 ```bash
    577 ble-bind -f 'C-x h' 'insert-string "Hello, world!"'
    578 ```
    580 The details on the key representation, such as <kbd>C-x h</kbd> in the above example,
    581 are described in [Manual §3.1](
    582 The representations of <kbd>Space</kbd>, <kbd>Tab</kbd>, <kbd>Enter</kbd>, <kbd>Backspace</kbd>, <kbd>Escape</kbd>, etc. are described
    583 in [Manual §3.1.1](
    584 The space is represented as <kbd>SP</kbd>,
    585 the tab key is represented as <kbd>C-i</kbd> or <kbd>TAB</kbd> depending on the terminal,
    586 the enter/return key is represented as <kbd>C-m</kbd> or <kbd>RET</kbd> depending on the terminal,
    587 and the backspace key is represented as <kbd>C-?</kbd>, <kbd>DEL</kbd>, <kbd>C-h</kbd>, or <kbd>BS</kbd> depending on the terminal.
    588 The representations of modified special keys such as <kbd>Ctrl+Return</kbd> and <kbd>Shift+Return</kbd> are described
    589 in [Manual §3.6.4](
    590 If your terminal does not support `modifyOtherKeys`, you need to manually configure the escape sequences of modified special keys.
    593 For another example, if you want to invoke a command on typing <kbd>M-c</kbd>, you can write it as follows:
    595 ```bash
    596 ble-bind -c 'M-c' 'my-command'
    597 ```
    599 Or, if you want to invoke a edit function (designed for Bash `bind -x`) on typing <kbd>C-r</kbd>, you can write it as follows:
    601 ```bash
    602 ble-bind -x 'C-r' 'my-edit-function'
    603 ```
    605 The existing key bindings are shown by the following command:
    606 ```console
    607 $ ble-bind -P
    608 ```
    610 The list of widgets is shown by the following command:
    611 ```console
    612 $ ble-bind -L
    613 ```
    615 If you want to run multiple widgets with a key, you can define your own widget by creating a function of the name `ble/widget/YOUR_WIDGET_NAME`
    616 as illustrated in the following example.
    617 It is highly recommended to prefix the widget name with `YOUR_NAME/`, `my/`, `blerc/`, `dotfiles/`, etc.
    618 in order not to conflict with the names of the existing standard widgets.
    620 ```bash
    621 # Example of calling multiple widgets with the key C-t
    622 function ble/widget/my/example1 {
    623   ble/widget/beginning-of-logical-line
    624   ble/widget/insert-string 'echo $('
    625   ble/widget/end-of-logical-line
    626   ble/widget/insert-string ')'
    627 }
    628 ble-bind -f C-t my/example1
    629 ```
    631 ## 2.8 fzf integration
    633 If you would like to use `fzf` in combination with ``, you need to configure `fzf` using [the `contrib/fzf` integration](
    634 Please follow the instructions in the link for the detailed description.
    636 ```bash
    637 # blerc
    639 # Note: If you want to combine fzf-completion with bash_completion, you need to
    640 # load bash_completion earilier than fzf-completion.
    641 source /etc/profile.d/
    643 ble-import -d integration/fzf-completion
    644 ble-import -d integration/fzf-key-bindings
    645 ```
    647 # 3 Tips
    649 ## 3.1 Use multiline mode
    651 When the command line string contains a newline character, `` enters the MULTILINE mode.
    653 By typing <kbd>C-v C-j</kbd> or <kbd>C-q C-j</kbd>, you can insert a newline character in the command line string.
    654 In the MULTILINE mode, <kbd>RET</kbd> (<kbd>C-m</kbd>) causes insertion of a new newline character.
    655 In the MULTILINE mode, the command can be executed by typing <kbd>C-j</kbd>.
    657 When the shell option `shopt -s cmdhist` is set (which is the default),
    658 <kbd>RET</kbd> (<kbd>C-m</kbd>) inserts a newline if the current command line string is syntactically incomplete.
    660 ## 3.2 Use vim editing mode
    662 If `set -o vi` is specified in `.bashrc` or `set editing-mode vi` is specified in `.inputrc`, the vim mode is enabled.
    663 For details, please check [the wiki page](
    665 ## 3.3 Use `auto-complete`
    667 The feature `auto-complete` is available in Bash 4.0 or later. `auto-complete` automatically suggests a possible completion on user input.
    668 The suggested contents can be inserted by typing <kbd>S-RET</kbd>
    669 (when the cursor is at the end of the command line, you can also use <kbd>right</kbd>, <kbd>C-f</kbd> or <kbd>end</kbd> to insert the suggestion).
    670 If you want to insert only first word of the suggested contents, you can use <kbd>M-right</kbd> or <kbd>M-f</kbd>.
    671 If you want to accept the suggestion and immediately run the command, you can use <kbd>C-RET</kbd>
    672 (if your terminal does not support special key combinations like <kbd>C-RET</kbd>, please check
    673 [Manual §3.6.4](
    675 ## 3.4 Use `sabbrev` (static abbrev expansions)
    677 By registering words to `sabbrev`, the words can be expanded to predefined strings.
    678 When the cursor is just after a registered word, typing <kbd>SP</kbd> causes the `sabbrev` expansion.
    679 For example, with the following settings, when you type <kbd>SP</kbd> after the string `command L`, the command line will be expanded to `command | less`.
    681 ```bash
    682 # blerc
    683 ble-sabbrev L='| less'
    684 ```
    686 The sabbrev names that starts with `\` plus alphabetical letters are also recommended since it is unlikely to conflict with real words that are a part of the executed command.
    688 ```bash
    689 # blerc
    690 ble-sabbrev '\L'='| less'
    691 ```
    694 # 4 Contributors
    696 I received many feedbacks from many people in GitHub Issues/PRs.
    697 I thank all such people for supporting the project.
    698 Among them, the following people have made particularly significant contributions.
    700 - [`@cmplstofB`]( helped me implementing vim-mode by testing it and giving me a lot of suggestions.
    701 - [`@dylankb`]( reported many issues for fzf-integration, initialization, etc.
    702 - [`@rux616`]( reported several issues and created a PR for fixing the default path of `.blerc`
    703 - [`@timjrd`]( suggested and contributed to performance improvements in completion.
    704 - [`@3ximus`]( reported many issues for a wide variety of problems.
    705 - [`@SuperSandro2000`]( reported many issues related to NixOS and others