00_T1-bug_report.md (977B)
1 --- 2 name: "(English) Bugs / Problems" 3 about: Create a report to fix problems 4 5 --- 6 7 **ble version**: <!-- The version and commit-hash or the result of `echo "$BLE_VERSION"` --> 8 **Bash version**: <!-- The result of `echo "$BASH_VERSION ($MACHTYPE)"` --> 9 <!-- Instead of the above, you can copy and paste the result of running the 10 command "ble/widget/display-shell-version" or the result of pressing 11 [Ctrl-x][Ctrl-v] in a ble.sh session with the issue. --> 12 13 <!-- Describe the problem here. If example terminal contents (in either the 14 text form or an image) are available, you may paste/insert them to explain 15 the situation more clearly. 16 17 Note: In most cases, in reply, we will ask further questions to investigate 18 the problem in detail. Please don't hesitate to RESPOND TO THE QUESTIONS, or 19 otherwise we need to just close the issue soon. But don't worry! Any 20 (stupid) responses are welcome! It's definitely better than NO RESPONSE. 21 Let's communicate! 22 23 -->